Stop Dairying In Dry Areas

The New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers opposes the extension of dairying in low rainfall areas like the Mackenzie Country.

No to Mackenzie Country dairy expansion

The NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers (NZFFA) supports the reported comments of the Forest and Bird Society in opposing the expansion of dairy farming in the Mackenzie basin.

Graham Carter, president of NZFFA, a nation-wide advocacy for rivers, trout and the trout fishing public, said expansion of dairying especially in low rainfall areas, should be opposed and stopped by government.

Dairying in low rainfall areas demands high irrigation rates that depletes the water resource, he said.

Whether it’s the aquifer or direct from rivers is immaterial as both form the total water resource.

It was time for the dairying industry to realise that there are enough cows and the need now should be to concentrate on a value-added approach.

Curbs needed on irrigation 

The Mackenzie Country is too dry for dairying.

Irrigation overall needs better controls.

The inefficient spraying of water from the public’s natural waterways into the wind and on hot days when evaporation rates are high, should not be permitted. Instead any and every irrigation should be between 8 pm and 8 am.

Ironically New Zealand boasts of a clean and green image to gain a marketing edge on export markets but summer time dry river beds like the Selwyn – once a revered trout river – destroy the integrity of that marketing brand.

The much decreased flow in the Selwyn River. (Photo credit: Bill Benfield)

The situation has passed the ‘environmental tipping point’, and it is time for the dairying industry – especially the corporate sector – to acknowledge it cannot be environmentally irresponsible. 

“Water is a common good and not a plaything for those with little environmental awareness, said Graham Carter.


Contact: Graham Carter phone 021 026 00437

(Thanks to Tony Orman for supplying this press release.)






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