Kapiti Schools Celebrate Education
By Peter Corlett 11th October 2011
A photo and art display in the Coastland Mall Sunday 9th October was held
as a celebration of teaching and learning in New Zealand schools.
“Both the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) and TIMSS, (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), international research studies confirm that we have a top performing education system where student performance ranks amongst the best in the world”, said Peter Corlett, local teacher, “The celebration is all about children telling their own stories of why our schools are great places to be.”
The competition was open to all Kapiti schools and submissions included photographs on the theme of Our Favourite Places At School.
The photos, which were visual stories about the places in the school where the children like to be, were supplemented with short captions. The written stories were about the aspirations of the children and their dreams for the future.