Greens Do Well

Paekakariki Gets MP in With Huge Swing to Green Party

By Alan Tristram

Jan Logie, MP, of Paekakariki!

Jan Logie has swept into a new life as an MP as the Party surfed to power with 11% of the Party vote, up from  7% last time.

As ninth on the Green list, she is assured of a seat in the 13 person Green team.

In the Mana electorate vote, she did well with 2,316 votes, an increase of 782 on her total in the by-election last year.

In the Party vote for the Mana electorate, the Greens did well on 3864.

National, however, did best of all with 12,439 votes, eclipsing Labour on 11,496, in what was formerly Labour territory.